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Infectious Disease Virtual Reality Museums-BIOL3090 semester long project

Purpose: To appreciate the impact of infectious disease on various regions of the world and the interdisciplinary effort that goes into their control. To learn how to apply conceptual mapping, exhibit design, and virtual reality technology to assist with learning. To work individually and as a group to execute a semester-long project.


Groups: Groups of students will be assigned to a region of the world based on their interest, and eventually, will focus on a single disease that afflicts this area of the world. Each group will work together to plan and construct one wing of a virtual reality museum focused on their topics. Group members will have a specific roles that are
essential to complete the project.


Project Tasks: You will perform a series of tasks throughout the semester to build a project portfolio. In Phase I, you will conduct individual research on a specific disease and learn the basic skills to design, map, and build a exhibits in a 3D virtual environment. As a group, you will decide on a specific infectious disease to focus on and who will perform the various project roles. In Phase II, you will plan and build a wing of a virtual museum on your topic. There will be multiple opportunities to connect with other groups about their challenges and acquire technical feedback. In Phase III, you will share your ideas/drafts and receive input on how to improve your final project.

Phase I

Building Skills & Ideas

  • Individual Research

  • Topic Justification

  • Project Roles

Phase II

Drafting & Support

  • Support Group

  • 2D Floorplan

  • Content Map

Phase III

Sharing & Revising

  • Sharing & Feedback

  • VR Showcase

  • Museum Viewing

 - Students take a survey where they indicate their interests and personal strengths (i.e. Southeast Asia, plant diseases, creative person, technical skills, etc). We use this information to assign you into groups of similar interests, but diverse strengths. Each group focuses on a distinct region of the world. Students then individually research a specific infectious disease that is relevant in the group’s region. They
use this information to help your group narrow in on a single disease to be the subject of your virtual museum wing (1 disease per group).
ï‚· - After students perform individual research, they share their topics with the group. Each group then choses ONE infectious disease to focus on from their particular area of the world. The chosen disease must be distinct across the class. Groups also designate roles for specific tasks including curators, editors, scientific leads, sound leads, etc.

ï‚· - As a semester project, the group explores interesting aspects of this disease and how it affects life of the people who live in the region/country. They employ various forms of digital media within a
virtual space to share information on both basic and complex topics related to this disease.
ï‚· - We have an in-class session where students of different roles mix with students of the same role from different groups (i.e. curators with curators, etc). Here, students share challenges that they have
encountered and brainstorm possible solutions. It is up to the group to determine the general content of the VR museum wing. To help in the process, we use Mural to record ideas on topics, style, visual items, and sources, and compile assets that will be used in the museum wing. During this process, we dedicate class time where each group presents their museum ideas and fields questions/feedback.
ï‚· - Each museum is built over a period of a few weeks by a designated student using the ideas of group with the help of TA’s and technical faculty at UVA.
ï‚· - As part of the evaluation process, each group experiences their 3D museum wings using the VR setup in Clemons Library. After gathering feedback, groups finalize their museum and share a link with the class for online tours. The groups also invite friends, families, professors, TA’s to show off their work!


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