Munzhedzi Muhethwa, pictured above (center) with Dr. Ragowki (left) and Dr. Guerrant (right) and an awardee of the Global Infection Diseases Research Training (GIDRT) fellowship, gave her first presentation to GIDRT (at the Centre for Global Health, UVA) describing her research project, part of which is to be conducted at UVA. It was a proposal presentation given which focused on Malaria in South Africa. She is a student under the mentorship of Prof. P.O. Bessong (University of Venda), Dr Jenny L. Guler (University of Virginia) and Dr. E.T. Ragowki (University of Virginia).
The presentation was given to both GIDRT staff and students in collaboration with University of Virginia and the University of Venda, South Africa. GIDRT is an NIH funded fellowship program that gives pre-doctoral students from University of Venda opportunities to pursue part of their careers at the University of Virginia.
It focuses on emerging infectious diseases while providing pre-doctoral students training in research methods, grant writing, publication strategies, research ethics, and responsible conduct of research. During the fellowship, fellows have the opportunity to build their network and to collaborate with MHIRT students and previous WHIL post-doctoral fellows.
You can get more info on what GIDRT is and it's goals athttps://globalhealth.virginia.edu/gidrt-pre-doctoral-fellowship